Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is one of the most water-efficient irrigation systems available for landscaping.

Also known as trickle irrigation, or localized irrigation, drip irrigation is a watering system that releases drops of water directly on top of the soil and targets specific plants and their root zones. Drip irrigation systems can be customized to the specific types of plants in your landscape because they can be individually set to displace anywhere between 1-10 gallons per hour.

Primitive drip irrigation systems were invented centuries ago, when clay pots with small holes were placed on crops to slowly displace water and avoid runoff. Modern drip irrigation systems consist of a system of water nozzles connected to a main line that disperses water slowly and evenly to plants. These systems can be set on timers. While the water displaced by sprinkler systems is measured in gallons per minute (GPM), drip irrigation systems displace water much more slowly and are measured in gallons per hour (GPH).

Benefits of Drip Irrigation

  • Minerals and nutrients are retained in your soil, not washed away by excess runoff.
  • Water is used much more efficiently.
  • Weed growth is minimized because water goes to landscape areas, not weeds.
  • Fungus and insect activity is minimized since water stays near the root system.
  • Water loss due to wind, evaporation and run-off is minimized or eliminated.
  • Watering frequency is reduced up to half for some plant types.

Uses of Drip Irrigation

  • Ornamental Flowers
  • Vegetable Gardens
  • Small – Medium Shrubs
  • Potted Plants
  • Ground Cover
  • Cactus

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